Saturday, October 18, 2014

Never thought there's more to Baler

Last March 2014, we had our OCLA for Tour 113 in Baler, Aurora. It was a 3d-2n tour. We departed Friday night at around 10 pm and by around 6 am we were already in Baler.

Upon hearing the place, I’m totally not excited because Baler is not a familiar place for me and I don’t think that Baler is such an interesting place to visit. I heard that one of the activities perfect to do in Baler is to surf and I’m neither a surfer nor interested in doing so. But then in order to be exempted for the final exam, I made a rational decision to join the OCLA.

I just never thought that there’s more to Baler. To sum up the experiences, here’s my top 5 favorite parts of the OCLA: 

1. Oooooooh Ditumabo Falls

No pain, no gain. Yup proven and tested. The trek to the falls traverses several kilometers through the river and over a few steep mountain trails surrounding the falls on both banks. 

(c) Geoselle dela Cruz

(c) Geoselle dela Cruz

(c) Geoselle dela Cruz

(c) Gie Gumahad

It took us almost 2 and a half hour to reach the majestic falls but swear it’s all worth it.

The water is just so cold. To be specific, ice-cold. 
(c) Gie Gumahad

2. Spontaneity

We had some changes in our itinerary because Sir de Leon got an invitation from Senator Angara to visit his Artists Village, a project of Juan C. Angara Foundation. 

(c) Geoselle dela Cruz

We had to cancel certain activities to go there. But oooh it’s okay because the experience is just priceless. The village itself was so arty and elegant.

(c) Geoselle dela Cruz

(c) Geoselle dela Cruz

(c) Geoselle dela Cruz

3. Dicasalarin Beach

Just behind Sen Angara’s Artists Village is the stunning Dicasalarin Beach. The beach is just so picturesque but we were not given the time to soak because we only have limited time to stay and the fact that it’s not really part of the itinerary. However, just by looking at the whitish sand,  blue-green water, and taking numerous selfies and groufies, we actually enjoyed.

(c) Geoselle dela Cruz

(c) Geoselle dela Cruz

4. Diguisit Beach

Another nature’s endowment is the Diguisit Beach. The beach stretches to about a kilometer in length. We had our sumptuous lunch by the beach while enjoying the fresh air and scenic view.

(c) Geoselle dela Cruz

The upper landward shore is mostly sand, while the water shores are barricades of corals forming a protective reef.

(c) Gie Gumahad

(c) Geoselle dela Cruz

5. Last but not the least is the chance to be close with these people.

 (c) Geoselle dela Cruz

 (c) Geoselle dela Cruz

(c) Geoselle dela Cruz

(c) Geoselle dela Cruz

(c) Geoselle dela Cruz

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