Friday, October 31, 2014

S A M B O | K O J I N

Last Thursday, my family and I decided to have dinner at Sambo Kojin, which is an all-you-can-eat restaurant, SM Southmall in Las Pinas. The food mostly consists of Japanese and Korean cuisine, along with some western desserts, random appetizers, and Yakiniku. However, eating here is not that simple. In order to get in, you need to make a reservation because they get a lot of customers (yes the food is that good). However, despite of this, we had to wait in line until a couple of customers are through with their meals. Fortunately, the wait did not take forever.

The ambiance is pretty simple. There are still waiters who are willing to sing you happy birthday, but they were really helpful when it comes to the buffet. At first I had no idea what to do or where to go, but they simply guided me to the sauces and plates even though I did not ask for any help. Such wonderful service if you ask me.

The grill was the best part for me. I have encountered self-cooking stations in buffets before, but this is the first time I tried cooking for myself. I had so much fun. I actually consider this as a personal achievement since I haven't cooked tuna (which is the one I cooked for myself) or any kind of fish before.

This is what I cooked! To witness my "cooking skills" click here
This is Korean food, but the name of this skipped me (apologies).

Sorry if there aren't much pictures for this post (since I was too busy pigging out). But overall, I had a great time. I don't usually dive in when it comes to buffets, but I certainly went overboard on this one. Luckily, I did not experience any tummy sickness--or any kind of sickness-- afterwards.
Meet my hatching scale~ 
 Personally, I really enjoyed Asian cuisine with a mixture of good service. I also appreciate the fact that the place was very spacious and not too glamorous and I did not have to worry about space or dropping the food whilst going back to my table (since I am such a total klutz). For that I shall give this a place a.... 

If you'd like to try out the place, I do know that there are branches in Eastwood and SM Southmall. But you may click on their website for more details (Menu, Prices, Branches,etc.). Till the next post~ 

More from Tama-chan!!!

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