Monday, November 3, 2014

An Afternoon in the Mother of All Museums

It was a typical Sunday morning then. Our family decided to go to this certain mall near Manila City Hall. Most of us found this plan boring, but we have got no other options. I myself was too lazy to think of somewhere else to go within the city, so as I was about to agree on going to the mall, a thought suddenly came into my mind. Why not go to the National Museum? Yes it does sound a little bit out of the blue, but for someone who’s familiar with that certain part of Manila, it is hard not to notice the big buildings of the National Museum, sitting just beside the Manila City Hall.

I did not have a hard time convincing them to add the museum to our whereabouts. Weird as it may seem but they immediately agreed! And so I said to myself that this will be fun. This must be fun! Because this will be our first family trip to a legit museum. Yahoo!

By riding a tricycle and LRT 1 from home, it only took us an hour to reach the museum. Even though the trip gave us no hassle when it comes to commuting, the noon-afternoon heat gave us no mercy for I can already sense the irritation of my companies. I, myself will admit that having your shirt stained by your own sweat is really not a nice thing, but the bigger thing that worried me is the possibility that my family would not enjoy our trip anymore.

All of my worries were washed away as soon as we entered the museum. A good thing immediately welcomed us by knowing that the entrance fee is FREE every Sunday! Oh yes, you have read it right!

So, after checking in our bags, we immediately proceeded towards the rooms of the building. Apparently, the building was solely for the art collections, mostly of paintings. We saw different paintings from different local artists. One of the contributors that interests me so much was Fernando Amorsolo. I remember him only as topic, or merely an example in studying Arts in MAPEH in elementary and high school, and now, imagine, his original paintings are hung before me! His paintings are truly amazing. His realistic concepts in his artworks are to die for!

Another contributor that was featured in the gallery was Juan Luna. And what specific painting first comes into our mind when we pertain to Juan Luna? Spoliarium! Yes, the great spoliariium. Though it is only a replica of the actual one, Spoliarium, not only being notable of its big size, is also one of the most treasured paintings of our country for it portrays an important part of the Filipino history.

I can’t state one by one the list of the contributors whose artworks were showcased in the gallery for they are so many. I think I’ll just leave it for you to find out yourselves.

When you visit a museum, one of the things that you are really expecting to see are artifacts and old things, so I asked a museum staff where are those located. He then led us to another building, and God! It was amazing!

The building has different rooms that features shipwrecks. Different artifacts that was discovered from different shipwrecks were displayed in each respective rooms. Also, on the second floor, you can go back in time by entering adjacent rooms that bring you to different time frame or era in the history. Well, this is my favorite part of the whole museum trip because I felt like I was really time travelling in the past.

Each section and each part of the rooms were equipped with information that’s why you will not only be feeding your eyes for these amazing things, but also, you will be feeding your mind by the details describing the portrayed artifacts.

The ‘time-travel’ ended in the years when our heroes lived. All the heroism and the events that have happened during the Spanish up to the Japanese occupation was presented. Pictures and brief paragraphs were posted on the walls to educate the visitors of the battles and struggles that our own fellowmen went through just to obtain our glorious independence.

As we stepped out of the rooms and as we went down to the lobby of the museum, I can sense the awe that we felt. We were almost literally left mouth-opened of the experience we have just had. Yes, it’s not the loud, active and extreme type of trip, but it’s truly refreshing to have this kind of activity wherein you can simply take it slow, observe and just appreciate the real beauty of art and history that are usually and slowly being forgotten due to our fast changing and busy lifestyle.

Take a stop. Observe. Appreciate. Reflect.

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