Thursday, November 20, 2014

Magnum Manila

 We tried Magnum Manila today because I was really curious about the hype and "Death by Chocolate" sounded so good. It lured me. As we entered the restaurant, we were seated in the middle of the dining area. Because we were 9, they had to combine three tables. The ambiance is good. The music was just okay, but the chocolate displays and decorations made from Magnum popsicle sticks are awesome.

We sampled the Death by Chocolate, Cookie Dough Skillet and the Red velvet plate. The first one was the best, the skillet was the most eye catching, while the red velvet was disappointing. It looked normal plus the plating was not good, considering its price. It's just my opinion. I'd rate Magnum Manila. 4 out of 5 stars!

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