Sunday, November 30, 2014

Did the DOH (PH) just call teenage moms and dads GAGA and BOBO?!?

Yes. They just did.

The Department of Health (Philippines) has been known for their "Inakup Arekup" informercial about Family planning. That was of taste and has a nice recall onto it. It was simply genius.

Here is its video courtesy of CampaignsandGreyPH

Trying to make use of the influence that they've established, they made another infomercial and now, this is about teenage pregnancy. The intention was nice but the manner on how it was delivered was in bad taste.

Here is my screenshot of their Facebook post before they deleted the video.

Photo courtesy of Koko Tuazon

The video was entitled "GABO Infomercial" . GABO is the abbreviated Gaga Girl and Bobo Boy as the lyrics of the song goes.

The song started with the lyrics "Gaga girl... Bobo boy..." Repeated for many times.

As the song went on, it said "Di ka naman Gaga Girl...Bobo Boy..." while showing cheerleaders performing stunts.

I was lucky enough to watch the infomercial and take a screen capture of it before it was deleted. It was posted 9:30pm and deleted 2 hours later (11:35pm) on Nov 29, 2014.

Photo courtesy of Jason Arneson

Photo courtesy of Koko Tuazon

It can no longer be found on Facebook and can no longer be played on Youtube. 

Photo courtesy of Koko Tuazon

It's probably because DOH realized how offensive and tactless it was to teenage moms and dads and also to cheerleaders who are stars of the infomercial.

I really don't understand the connection of cheer leading with its advocacy and so as my friends who shared it on their news feeds.

Photo courtesy of Koko Tuazon

The lyrics were horrible, non-sensical for most parts and insulting for those that made sense. As you can see on my screen capture. 
It says...

"Surrender mo ang bandila"



The comments section of the video also took the lash of bashers from Facebook accusing DOH of plagiarism but then one of the netizens noticed...

Photo Courtesy of Jaime Constantino

Negative comments were all over the comments section. Noting of how much of a waste the government spent on this kind of infomercial. On the contrary, aside from the flak, some others think that the video was nice.

Photo courtesy of Koko Tuazon

Photo courtesy of Koko Tuazon

Photo courtesy of Koko Tuazon

What can also be noticed from my screen cap is the proportion on views to "likes".

It's crystal on how do the netizens feel about this.

To DOH, may this be the last of its kind. It's truly disappointing. >:(

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