Wednesday, November 19, 2014

FOODGASMIC: Emerging Trends in Philippine Food and Beverage Industry

Nowadays, internet is always bombarded with images of food, articles on food, recipes of new food, food, food, FOOD! Everything seems to be associated with food, art in food, meaning of food, technology on food and even weird food. Well actually, it is no surprise that food always find its way to adapt in our changing society and lifestyle, giving birth to such terms as FOOD PORN and FOODGASM. Now, food is can be considered not just our basic needs for survival, but it has become a trend already.

In line with this, University of the Philippines, Asian Institute of Tourism Gulp and Grub held a seminar entitled FOODGASMIC: Emerging Trends in Food

Several emerging trends in the food industry in different sectors are discussed by the notable speakers coming from their own respective fields.

First stop, Ms. Jaclyn Abergas, Market girl of Jertie's Kitchen, discussed how they started their online food business. They personally gave tips and advises on the what to do's when it comes to starting up a business. 

Next is Mr. Eduardo Tan Siman of Wadough's Cupcake Kitchen. Now this is where it really got sweetened! Mr. Siman presented a quick lecture on the marketing strategies that he is using for his business. He explained every detail in the strategies that he implements, which he also said would be helpful for the young individuals who would like to start their own business as well.

Mr. Siman was followed by the notable and well established restaurateur Mrs. Happy Ongpauco-Tiu. She then shared her personal experiences when it comes to their family's restaurant businesses. She also told her story on how she established her own business on her own. Mrs. Ongpauco-Tiu inspired and motivated us by saying that all it takes to have a successful business are right amount of passion and putting God at the center of all of it.

Lastly, Mr. Eli Paolo Fresnoza and his wife Mrs. Iona Fresnoza talked about the social issues on the coffee production industry. They tackled the issues that the coffee farmers are facing. The lecture they gave focused more about the social issues rather than the promotions and marketing aspect of the business. What they presented serves as a nice note to end the seminar by giving the participants social awareness to consider before starting up a business. 

As a young individual, this seminar has inspired me and gave me motivation when it comes into the possibility of opening up a business on my own. Young as I am, there’s a lot of ideas that’s been bugging my mind, thus, this seminar is a big help when it comes to solidifying my ideas and giving me a head start on the “what to do’s” and the “what not to do’s”.

The discussions held covered not only one but several sectors of the food industry, hence, giving me and my fellow students a wide array of options to consider for our future plans in entering the food and beverage business industry.

All in all, the seminar was full packed with fresh ideas and informative motivations that’ll surely help the future entrepreneur “wanna be’s”. Also, delicious food were given to the participants to enjoy throughout the event proper.

Food + informative talk = Php50 registration fee, worth it!

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