Saturday, November 29, 2014

Curly Adventures

Looking for an inexpensive adventure? If yes, hiking is good for you! Hiking is inexpensive and easy to start, so you can participate no matter how fit you are. It is also accessible. You do not have to go far if you want an adventure. Actually, Batangas is a very good place to hike. It is a home to numerous mountain ranges with picturesque views on top! With less than a thousand bucks, you are good to go! Just bring snacks, 2 liters of water and packed lunch. Fare is not that expensive since Batangas is very near to Manila. 

Travelling has been my bonding time with my girlfriend. I took that literally because it really strengthens our bond. What more can bind two people together than going on buwis buhay trips? Of all those trips, a day hike would be so much easy to plan and execute. We, actually, had four climbs in 8 months. This one is our third climb which took place last October 6. The mountain is called Mt. Maculot/Rockies. Now you know why the title is like that :) 

Mt. Maculot is located at Cuenca, Batangas. We left the house at 6 in the morning and met at 7am in JAM liner station in Buendia. Bus left 8am and we arrived in the jump off at about 9:30 in the morning. We met friends there and we decided to get only one tour guide and split the payment.

We got 5 guys in our team...

And 3 pretty ladies in grey.

Buwis buhay couple in their fighting pose.

We spent almost 3 hours on our way to the campsite due to a lot of resting time and stopovers. I'm not blaming our co-hikers but my girlfriend and I do not really rest that much for we want to get to the top as soon as possible. From the campsite, it took us more or less 20 minutes to the top. Mt. Maculot is also called Mt. Rockies because it really is rocky on the way to the summit.

We are at our first checkpoint. Not that tired like our other two companions :)

Stopped to take a rest...or more like a selfie with this bigass rock.

My girlfriend with our tour guide pointing at something.

It's really scary down there but first...let us take a selfie.

...and another one.

From the summit, I still want to reach the cool part.

And so is she. Hahaha! #inggitera

Then we had our cool pictures!

Behind these buwis buhay pictures is of course, a feeling of fulfillment and satisfaction. We climb not only for those scenic views but also for that feeling. Sometimes, you need to search for that feeling....the feeling of being alive.

The smiles of success!

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