Tuesday, November 11, 2014


My professor in Koreyano 11, Jay-Ar seonsaengnim, gave me a box of pepero because he said that I had the “Best Dress” on our picnic yesterday and also because today is Pepero Day.  Our class was curious about Pepero Day so we asked our professor about it and he said that Pepero Day is being celebrated every November 11 (11.11) where people giving Pepero to someone they like to show affection to. This affection may be for your family, friends and special someone. 

Thank you, Jay-ar Seonsaengnim. Saranghamnida! 
On our way to our next class, Vivien, a friend of mine, and I saw a big tarpaulin of Pepero in the AS-CAL and the staffs were preparing for something. We were so excited to know what the fuss was all about but unfortunately we have classes so we decided to just come back after our last class.

Vivien and I went to AS-CAL together after our Econ class. We were so shocked because there are a lot of people falling in line. We took pictures on the 11.11 standee first and started to fall in line afterwards. The event had 3 booths: (1) Design your own Pepero, (2) Pepero Photo Booth, and (3) Pepero Game. Though I’m not sure about what the last booth had in store because we didn’t try to play.

Pepero Day 

We first went to the front booth to register. And then, we were asked by one of the staff what flavor we like to put in our Pepero sticks. We chose strawberry over the two other flavors, chocolate and vanilla. We waited for a while before proceeding to the table because it was always packed with people. After that, we designed our Pepero sticks with the various toppings available and dipped it with our chosen flavor. It was fun designing our Pepero sticks, and thinking for their names. I named my Pepero as “AnYeol”, the combination of my name and my EXO bias’ name, Chanyeol.

Design your own Pepero booth

Registration booth

While waiting for our turn


My "AnYeol" 

Me and my friend, Vivien 

After designing our own Pepero, we proceeded to the Pepero Photo Booth. I wrote on the callout the reason why I am sharing with my friend some Pepero love. The reason I wrote was “그냥 하고 싶어” which means “I just wanted to”. While on the photo booth, I saw my AIT friend and asked her to join us in the picture. The staff gave me a box of Pepero to share it with a friend. I gave it to Vivien not only because she is my friend but also she is celebrating her birthday today. 

Pepero Photo Booth

"I am sharing with you some Pepero love because 그냥 하고 싶어"

with my AIT friend, Princes 

Free Pepero and Pepero picture
We were so thankful to Pepero Philippines and UP AdCore for organizing this kind of event. We really had a blast. Happy Pepero Day! Till next year. 
해피 빼빼로 데이 

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