Sunday, November 16, 2014

Museum for the Filipino People

Have you ever wondered about your past? Where you came from, what made YOU today, or a memory about someone who has hurt you so much and you just can't forget what happened and you still go back to the memories. Museums brings you to the past and some takes you beyond present. A museum can be one of the places where you can unwind from the busy surroundings. Appreciating beauty in the artworks of different artists by where you can broaden your interpretation of the world you’re living in. It can also be a place where you can understand the past and widen your view of the society. It is a place that reconnects you to the past and also connects you to the current situation. An example of this kind of museum that I am talking about is the "Museum of the Filipino People". It has 4 floors with different galleries.

October is museum & galleries month, the National Museum of the Philippines announced a month-long free admission. I grabbed this opportunity to appreciate and understand the culture presented through the exhibits in this museum.

How to get there:
I had to commute all the way there but you can bring your car. Parking is not a problem. This is what we worried about and so I had experienced riding LRT1 which is a first time for me. Ghaaad, it's just so crowded and old (this is very true, I am sorry). My ticket jammed for so many times (both at the entrance and exit stations) that I had to go to the passenger's assistance twice. It was such a hassle given that you had to fall in line again.

You can see directions from here:

Shipwreck of San Diego

There are two galleries from the Shipwreck of San Diego. The ship contains 5,000 artifacts. These artifacts show the relation of the known world (America, Europe, Asia) at that time and how communication is effective. The first gallery contains weapons and munition.

The other gallery showed different potteries and porcelain; the number is overwhelming. 

There's this part where it features the kitchenware on the ship. I unexpectedly saw an egg shell and a chicken bone.

This would be my favorite artifact.
Stamp Seal
Kasaysayan ng Lahi

This is the exhibit where it shows the early people and the animals to be found be found in the early times. This exhibit shows tools and their ornaments in different era. How it evolves through time in different periods.

Kaban ng Lahi

This exhibit includes burial jars which are representations of system of beliefs of the early Filipinos . This is the exhibit I like the most because of the Maitum Jar. It is not like other exhibits because the theme of this exhibit is about burial so the lighting and how it is displayed added to the effect on the concept. 

It stood out for me because every Maitum Jar is unique and that made it very interesting. It made me wonder why the faces are like that but every face is different. It is like the terracotta army, They are all different. This is used for the second burial. Small jars contain the teeth and finger bones. The large jars contain the ribs and longs bones. When it was excavated they found burial offerings which they see as evidence that they believe in afterlife thus can be found also in their spiritual and material culture. It is not found anywhere in the Asia but only in the cave of Ayun in Pinsol, Maitum, in Sarangani. The use of coal signifies the era when it was made which they concluded that it was 5BC AD 370.

The Filipinos and Their Rich Cultural Heritage (Kinahinatnan).

This is my favorite gallery because this is where the different culture of the Filipino indigenous people in the Philippines are showed. The differences and similarities of the beliefs of every group show the emergence of the way people think. As what I have read this is the product of the isolation of some groups thus making them ethnolinguistic. You will understand and discover different tools for hunting, livelihood, and entertainment. 

Like the instruments showing diversity and distinction of groups because it is something that is not traditionally used by everybody but is unique to a culture. The presentation of differences in our ethnic groups is resemblance of the diversity of our culture where we can see the result of archipelagic state of the Philippines. 

What adds more to my interest is how the exhibit is designed. The presence of the bahay kubo is what made it more Filipino. Seeing that as you enter the exhibit awakens the “Filipino vibe". It is truly amazing to walk on them as you see material cultures of different groups.

Bangsamoro Art from the National Ethnographic Collection

This exhibit contains textiles that are unique to the Filipino people. It shows how they are made and what are they made of. You can also see here the different natural dyes they have. This is something interesting because it is not very evident now in the society because of the different influences.

These are evidences and manifestation of Filipino creativity and lifestyle. As a Filipino this is a good way to appreciate the variety of culture. The musuem will enchance your appreciation of the beauty of Filipino uniqueness in creativity and lifestyle.

This museum is the extension of our identity that can be shared to its visitors, Filipino or not. It is a medium through which you get to discover something and through this your interest is heightened which in turn will make you more interested in the culture. That is what is lacking in some Filipinos. As a tourism student I have insights on how the culture is devalued through time. This is one way of opening the minds of some Filipinos of what cultural heritage we have. Though these are material reflections of the past we can conclude ways by which you can say is a Filipino trait. Just as the bahay kubo, it is commonly seen in bayanihan. It makes you remember something about you, being a Filipino. Museums are bridges to appreciate and be open-minded of different cultures through which we get to see different kinds of interpretation of objects. I think the museum is successful in communicating the Filipino way of living. It is important that the museum was able to give the essence of being a Filipino. It showcased the richness of culture and the distinctiveness of what makes a Filipino. Objects evoke the practices of a certain indigenous group. The museum is also communicating that we should preserve our cultural heritage and report instances of looting. I see it as an issue on how the culture and tradition of the early Filipinos are preserved. It is sometimes modified because of tourism purposes.

Rates and Museum Schedule can be accessed in this site:  

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