Thursday, December 11, 2014

Baguio's SLU with a Lantern Parade

The Saint Louis University Lantern Parade

Baguio's Session Road in a Sea of Lights

Coming from the University of the Philippines Diliman, the annual Lantern Parade on our campus is an event that everyone looks forward to; students, teachers, and guests alike. It's a spectacular sight to see and a great way to end the year and the semester with your college friends, right after facing the fires of the infamous 'Hell Week'. However, being held at the end of the year, many of us students who finish exams early and go home to our provinces miss out on seeing the lanterns of the various UPD colleges march around the Academic Oval.

As a Baguio-boy, Baguio is the sight I see when the UPD Lantern Parade takes place. Although this year, I'll be able to watch due to the delay of some exams. Nonetheless, Baguio's Saint Louis University or SLU holds its own annual Lantern Parade to light up the atmosphere of Baguio City during December. 

Upper Session Road's Decorated Christmas Tree

For years now, SLU has been holding its Lantern Parade but just recently they have been taking it up to higher levels with brighter and more elaborate lantern designs.

On December 1, 2014, SLU and its army of students and faculty marched the streets of Baguio, showcasing their bright and decorative hard work.

Like many other events, SLU's Lantern Parade is a competition among the colleges of the university with prizes to be given out and this year was a repeat of last year's School of Engineering and Architecture win due to brilliant craftsmanship and magic trick incorporation in their lanterns. What can you do, it's a college of engineers and architects after all...

Lanterns Used as Hats

All of the lanterns were a bright display of craftsmanship and creativity.

Student with Costumes and Lanterns

With many of the lanterns partnered with costumes worn by the bearers or lanterns being incorporated as a costume in itself.

It was a spectacular event to say the least. Just to see the sheer number of students and lanterns walking down Session Road was a mesmerising event that had both children and adults dazzled by the rainbow of shining lights. There's no doubt about it, the school and its students had to put in a tremendous amount of effort into putting up a show of this caliber.

Samurai-like Lanterns
Taking into consider how well-crafted the lanterns were and just their sheer amount, it must have been an uneasy task to complete all the lanterns and costumes. However, seeing Session Road itself light up like a Christmas tree during the night was a sight like no other and I encourage more and more people to participate and visit this event!

A Large, Dragon-like Lantern

For those who love the shimmer of bright lights and the dazzle of colorful objects, accompanied by the cool atmosphere of Baguio and Session Road, the annual SLU Lantern Parade is a must visit. Aside from the Lantern Parade, a trip to Baguio's many dining establishments along Session Road after watching the show would be a fine and perfect way to end an evening of beauty and decor.


CALUYA, Raphael Roi

BS Tourism Student at UP Diliman

Drummer, food-enthusiast, and photography-enthusiast

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