Friday, December 12, 2014

The 2013 Arrow Challenge

 The UP Baguio Archery Team conducted the 2013 arrow challenge in the early month of the year 2013. The goal is to be able to shoot 2013 arrows within the day. :) 

As early as 7 am in the morning, the team is already preparing for the event. Assembling the bows available and arranging the arrows. 

And so the shooting started! 

With the effort of the UPB Archery Team, students and people who want to try shooting are invited. Even if it just two or three arrows, the experience is still priceless. 

Throughout the day, the team members ushered the event in a rotating manner since each have classes for the day. Every break, one would go directly to the range and continue shooting and letting other people experience and be part of the challenge. 

And finally 2013 Arrows!!!
(It was already dusk when we finished the challenge.)

Truly it was an awesome experience shooting hundreds of arrows in a day. For us archery team members, it was a good training for endurance and extreme form shooting. And for our guests, it was a great experience being able to shoot arrows without any background on it. 
Considering all the efforts of the team and the guests, the event was a success! I personally had so much fun all through out the day. :D 

2013 Arrow Challenge? Challenge accepted. 

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