Friday, December 12, 2014

European Films Under the Stars

European films under the stars

by Jeuls Hermosisima and Moira Pavino

Familiar with Hollywood forever? Perhaps you don't know that you are. Have you ever seen a drive in movie on t.v. or a giant outdoor film showing set in the US? Well that is Hollywood Forever. People would line up for hours for a chance to experience an outdoor movie screening in this cemetery. Yes, that's right, it is a cemetery. Many stars lay buried there, but that just adds to the attraction.

What if I tell you, you can have the same experience here in Manila. Though not in a cemetery, the UP Diliman's College of Science Amphitheater is the next best thing. For the first time, UP EURO held a Grand Outdoor Film Showing with European films provided by different European Embassies and Institutions.

Listed below are some of the films featured the night of October 23 this year:
- La Creazione
- La Naturalista
- Que Sera?
- La Bon Conduite
- La primera vez
- Les Voilieurs de Luxembourg

The films elicited different reactions from the audience. Some films are cute, some are weird, and some left the audience speechless.

The event was attended by almost 200 film enthusiasts. Group of friends, a couple of lovers, and even a bunch of bikers gathered together that evening under the stars.

It was nice to share this experience to people who have the same interests! What a cultural and stress-free night, perfect for the semester's heavy workload (hehe)

If you missed the event, don't worry because UP EURO is planning to hold the event every semester!  

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