Wednesday, December 3, 2014

How Else to Fly Without Wings: A personal story of success #TourU

To move, to breathe, to fly, to float,
To gain all while you give
 To roam the roads of land remote,
To travel is to live
-Hans Christian Andersen

To Fly. To Float. To Travel. To live.

These are the words that struck me when I read this quote from the most famous writer of children’s stories ever. This quote gives much adventure and dreamy feeling just like what his works possess.

Of course, who would not want to fly right? Or even to stay floating in the air? Who does not dream of travelling and exploring the world and feel alive?

Young as I am, I have already envisioned myself to be successful in my own field. But seeing myself travelling and doing things that I love, for me, it would mean the most – that would mean everything, that would mean living.

Traveling is one of the main concerns of the Tourism industry, that’s why it is no surprise to know that it is one of the most dynamic and fastest growing industry in the world. Why? Because people are constantly traveling. It is fortunate that I share my point of view in life with other people as well. Also, the statistics of people going out and about is growing at a remarkable rate. With the development of technology in hands of people, giving them direct information on places to travel, and with enough money to spend, it is really expected that the Tourism and Travel industry be an in-demand entity nowadays and be a great big opportunity of business in the future.

In line with this, BLVD Productions from Tour 126 class in University of the Philippines Asian Institute of Tourism – Diliman organized a tourism convention entitled TOUR U: PROGRESSIVE TOURISM EXPLORING NEW OPPORTUNITIES, held last Saturday, November 29, 2014 at the UP School of Economics Auditorium.

Several students from different colleges and universities attended the said event, namely from the UP AIT, Miriam College,

One of the remarkable speakers of the said event, and my favourite, was Ms. Luz Marian Estanislao. She’s the current acting secretary of the VP of the Procurement Department of Etihad Airways in Abu Dhabi. Yes you’ve read it right. She’s with Etihad Airways, the largest and fastest growing airline business in the world. Amazing right? But the thing that’s more amazing is how she had worked herself to be on her current position.

Ms. Luz Estanislao bravely and honestly shared her experiences. She talked about how she applied for Etihad Airways. She said that all she wanted at the time of her application is to find a job to earn money. As she went to the hiring office of Etihad, she immediately noticed that she is like being an alien to the bunch of people applying to the same airline that she’s applying for. As Ms. Luz said, everyone around her was beautiful, tall, flawless, postured and polished, in short, everything cliché that you can think of when it comes to the tourism and travel industry, while she being just herself. According to her, she’s not that tall, she’s not flawless and not that postured. Well honestly, I kind of relate to her in this. I may be tall, but not that tall, I am not beautiful and not flawless. What amazed me is her confidence in being herself and deciding to push through her application, which fortunately passed!

Being in the airlines industry is tough, she said. Especially when you’re new and starting from one of the lowest position in the business. But even though she started from the dusty and boring position, because of her own simple management strategy and perseverance, it is no surprise that she’ll be able to climb her way up to where she is right now.

Ms. Luz Marian Estanislao ended her talk by giving out advices and motivations for young students like me to be brave enough to follow our dreams and to not be afraid to jump off and try to fly, because you’ll never know, you might be able to learn how to fly with out wings. 

1 comment:

  1. I wonder where you are now... Please drop me a nessage
