Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Part IV. Where in Manila?

And for the last part of my Manila tour, I present to you the 'pambansang pasyalan ng Pilpinas', Rizal Park

Well to be honest I don't know if it is really considered as the 'pambansang pasyalan' but I think it's not a big deal if it would be the case since we are all familiar with Rizal Park in which we all know that many people including us had been there. I could say that Rizal Park is one of the good place to visit especially to those who have no budget because there are just few points of interest in the park that requires an entrance fee. 

If you want to relax and meditate for a while, then you must visit the Chinese Garden and Japanese Garden. But first you need to pay 10 pesos in each for their entrance fee.

Chinese Garden...

Japanese Garden...

When you visit Rizal Park be sure to visit the area of 'The Martyrdom of Dr. Jose Rizal' where in there are set of statues that depicts the execution of Dr. Jose Rizal.

It would also be great if you're right on time to witness the afternoon water show, 

but of course the  water show during night is better due to light effects.

Another thing you could witness if you're right on time is the performance of a certain group in the park...

...sadly I miss this one they are already done when I spotted them. I think what they did is an ethnic dance.

If you like you can also go back to your childhood memories by riding this kiddie train which has a fee, but at least you'd be able to travel the park less hassle!

Also you can visit the Children's Playground that is surely packed with kids during weekends.

So if you want to promenade but don't have much money you now know where to go. :)

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