Friday, December 12, 2014

Stars and Spices!

My friends and I think that the best treat someone can give oneself after taking a hard and stressful exam is YUMMY FOOD! So one fine Sunday afternoon, right after our Economics long exam, Inna and I went straight to Katipunan, one of the nearest places in the university where one would definitely find a good place to eat.

During the entire jeepney ride to Katipunan, we thought of the possible places that we may eat in and finally decided to dine at Chubby Chicken and try the drinks offered by Starr's Famous Milkshake after.

1st stop: Chubby Chicken
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Upon arrival, we were already assisted by a restaurant crew as he handed us the menu. As we consulted the menu, I noticed that the restaurant also offers a lot of other dishes aside from its signature chicken. Some of dishes available in Chubby Chicken are fish strips, tacos, pastas, and fries.

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As it was our first time to try dining there, I decided to order the restaurant's signature chicken, the "Chubby Chicken" with sweet and spicy sauce and rice while Inna ordered the "Chubby Chicken" with sweet sauce and fries. Although the chicken is too sweet and not really chubby as regarded by Inna, we were still satisfied with what we have ordered.

 2nd stop: Starr's Famous Shakes
Located right beside Chubby Chicken is the Starr's Famous Shakes. Honestly, I was really excited to try their so-called famous shakes because I am a big fan of shakes and desserts.
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Upon arrival, we noticed that the place is really small but its style and coziness immediately captured us. After seeing the menu, we really cannot choose the flavor that we would order because we wanted to try it all but our money would not let us. After pondering for about thirty minutes, Inna decided to order the Strawberry Cheesecake while I ordered Caramel Cookie Dough!
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After having our first sips, we immediately felt pleased because the shakes are really delicious and worth the price. The shakes are really so thick like what we have expected it to be so we were really satisfied.

Truth be told, I almost forgot the horror that our exam has brought us because of the yummy food and good company that I have had for the rest of the day. I would really love to visit these food hubs again soon and I would really make sure that I'll bring lots of money and friends to make the experience more enjoyable. I hope to see you there too!!!

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