Friday, December 12, 2014

This guy posts 15-second clips of his trip to Bucas Grande Island, Philippines and the videos were stunning!

I wouldn't lie. The guy I'm pertaining to is me.

These are some of the videos I took in  the Bucas Grande Islands of Surigao del Norte, Philippines.
I was one of the lucky few to be part of the first group of tourists to explore the islands.

This place had  a twilight-ish movie vibe.
Upon reaching Kapihan Nature Park...people be like....

Upon reaching Sohoton National Park...

 P A R A  D I S E

S I M P L Y   E N C H A N T I N G!

Here are the differentrock formations  featuring my boatmates!
One lucky guy here! ;)

Me trying a more creative approach in taking a video.

Heading to the Sting-less Jelly Fish Sanctuary.
The pristine waters of the park is really amusing. 
I haven't seen anything like this before!

Just to prove that they're really stingless...

Us, swimming and playing with the jelly fish!

Us enjoying how to navigate the boat :)

Now heading to Bucas Grande Islands' Powdery White Sand Beach!

At the beach! :D

After going to the beach, we've trekked to see the Tiktikan Lake.

Of course, everything has an end, and so as this trip. But before going back to Manila,
we had a side-food trip and took a taste of Surigao's Halo-Halo.

Now we're heading back to Manila.
You can see how happy we were to get to see this beautiful wonder of Bucas Grande!

'til I see you again! ;)

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