Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Visa tour

Visa tour;given a chance to feel the Spanish scent from buildings surrounding

Probably not just to me, but maybe to every foreigners who are obligated to often visit the bureau of immigration, Intramuros as the place itself has the poorest attraction or even frowned upon!!!

But then,why and what pushed my steps from the ground to roam around this tedious place?......
An unexpected or uninvited?!(since i really prefer to do anything by myself especially if more arduous) company who had just been to the bureau of the immigration as the first time led me on the tour....

starting the tour with this discontent about the place and my company while totally not being able to expect that it would end up with my satisfaction and winsome smile ahahaha.....
it was the whole cluster of the Spanish styled buildings with every explanation board set nearby,which i missed or even had no idea about the their existence out of my interest.

this is an unresolved question that i actually don't remember all the names of buildings where i got in, but can be figured out by visiting once again...
and that's probably what i was planning too.... maybe... hahaha

anyway, i bet that i experienced almost every places to look around and even rode on a traditional horse chariot.... unexpectedly... however, it remained as the more precious journey because i felt  found a gem in the deepest mud!!!

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