Friday, December 12, 2014

My Chinatown Experience

Walking around Chinatown with my family

Singapore is definitely one of the cities in Asia that I love visiting the most. I love the atmosphere, the vibrant colors of the city and, I cannot stress this enough, the food! 

Before leaving Singapore, we always see to it that we go to Chinatown to do some souvenir shopping.

By the train station in Chinatown
Colorful array of accessories being sold in Chinatown
It was the perfect day to go around Chinatown because of the good weather. While walking around, I am amazed at how they managed to preserve the buildings. Hongkong is very strict when it comes to maintaining the cultural identity and architecture of its towns that even businesses renting the buildings cannot change the facade and original look of the building. The offices inside the buildings can be as modern as the business owners want them to be, but they have the leave the original appearance of the building alone.

Chinatown architecture at its finest
Well-preserved buildings in Chinatown

About the Author:

Zea is currently studying European Languages in UP Diliman, with German as her major and Tourism as her minor. She is a member of the UP Deutscher Verein, an organization which aims to promote the German language and culture. Her idea of a good time is engaging in competitive physical activities. She loves travelling and dreams of backpacking through Europe and Asia someday. In her free time, she watches sitcoms and plays the drums.

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