Friday, December 12, 2014

Make-up your Face

Make-up your Face

Although not many wear make-up in school, let alone UP, everyday make up is becoming a noticeable trend. Some go very natural, sticking to mascara and compress powder. A bolder choice would be winged eyeliner, but the biggest statement of them all is the classic, red lips.

This article isn’t designed to dampen this developing culture, instead, provide some insight on one possible reason behind it in attempt to dissuade negative sentiments.

For those students who know how to use eyeliner, lipstick, or any sort of cover up, you know as hell week approaches your make-up gets thicker. Instead of sporting black eye bags, and/or acne, your complexion approaches to that of a ghost. We’ve all been there.  That is assuming you made a conscious decision not to allow yourself to go to school looking as if you were trampled by dozens of elephants, a car, and a plane.  
If you haven’t made the connection yet, stress promotes the use of makeup. As stress increases,
health is usually compromised, and with it our skin, particularly in the face. That explains the increase in demand for makeup. Considering how common cosmetic elective surgery is today, make up of course becomes more culturally acceptable. This explains the many Korean stores and brands penetrating Filipino markets.

Back to the point, makeup doesn't only cover the stress, but it also helps relieve it. This is based on the fact that if you look good, you feel good and to the contrary of many beliefs, this doesn't take too long. More experienced people can finish applying make-up in less than two minutes. So what if sometimes you go a little overboard, it’s hell week after all. So go on, put your game face on if it helps you step out in the morning. I understand, and support you. 

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