Friday, December 12, 2014

The Way to Buddha

At the Ngong Ping Village
As part of our Hong Kong trip, we visited the Ngong Ping Village, a cultural-themed village which has become a popular tourist site due to the “Big Buddha”. 

The fastest and most convenient way to get to the village is through the cable car, which in itself is already an adventure, given the 25-minutes experience of travelling elevated to the village, overlooking the forests and mountains. People who are afraid of heights can opt to take the bus though, but this will definitely take longer.

The Gate to Ngong Ping Village
At the cable car terminal
Weather at the peak of the Ngong Ping Plateau is cool but tolerable. Walking up the steps to Buddha is a ‘must’ for tourists. Reaching the top means having the chance to take in the breathtaking view of the entire village and the luscious forest down below.  

The steps up to the Tian Tan Buddha
The view from the peak of Ngong Ping Village
The Tian Tan Buddha

There is also a temple where you can hang pieces of paper containing wishes you've written down. At the lower point of the village, tourists can enjoy eating at the food stalls. This was where I was able to try curry sausage for the first time. I found this a bit odd though given that curry sausage is more of a street food in the European region. Apparently, it has already made its way to Hong Kong.
Temple of wishes

About the Author:

Zea is currently studying European Languages in UP Diliman, with German as her major and Tourism as her minor. She is a member of the UP Deutscher Verein, an organization which aims to promote the German language and culture. Her idea of a good time is engaging in competitive physical activities. She loves travelling and dreams of backpacking through Europe and Asia someday. In her free time, she watches sitcoms and plays the drums.

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