Thursday, December 11, 2014

Eastwood Richmonde Hotel (Familiarization Tour)

The Hospitality Xperience (Tour 181 THX) in partnership with Richmonde Hotels and Resorts held an event entitled "At Your Service: Experience. Deliver. Shine!" last November 24, 2014 at the Eastwood Richmonde Hotel. It was a hotel familiarization and skills enrichment workshop program designed for future leaders of the hotel and restaurant business. The said event started at 1 o'clock in the afternoon and ended at 7 o'clock in the evening with an Asian Fusion Buffet.
Official program of the hotel familiarization
preparation for the seminar 
Mr. Mario Justo, a proud alumnus of the UP Asian Institute of Tourism, is the hotel manager of Eastwood Richmonde Hotel. He gave a brief talk about OJT/internship in Richmonde. 
Mr. Mario Justo as he officially started the seminar.
The first speaker was Mr. Dan Tongol, the assistant front office manager. He talked about the structure and the roles of the front office. He even showed us how to use the Opera Reservation System.

The executive housekeeper, Mr. Rico San Juan, was the next speaker. He told us about the overview of the housekeeping department and he also showed us how to the actual bed-making. He, then, gave us a tour.
This would be my most favorite part in the guest room. Someone can actually
watch you from the bed while you're taking a bath. Haha!

 After Mr. San Juan was Mr. Dave Banez, the food and beverage manager. He taught us about food and beverage service basics and showed us  the formal table set-up. After which, we headed towards the kitchen. Executive chef, Chef Patrick Obia, demonstrated how he and his crew prepares for their guests' food.  
Mr. Banez teaching us the formal table set-up.
formal table set-up
Chef Obia showing us how to do the plating
Chef Obia's crew and interns

Awarding of certificates and giving of tokens of appreciation.

T181 THX class with Richmonde hotel's department's managers

The event was indeed a successful one. Eastwood Richmonde Hotel has the best staff I've ever met and interacted with so far. They are really accommodating and approachable, and funny. Along with this, Eastwood Richmonde Hotel is such a nice hotel - very luxurious-looking. Who wouldn't want to stay in a nice hotel filled with nice people? Of course, I had my pictures taken with some of them.

Again, thank you T181 THX. Congratulations for a job well done!!

Photo credits to Goldwyn Urbiztondo and Guen Talastas.

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